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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 29, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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she was eventually found. she was not hurt. finally the ugly. this hurdler on the left deciding the best way to make up ground in this competition, by running through over the hurdles, not over them. his plan didn't work. he lost the race and took a little spill. "fox & friends" starts right now. >>gretchen: good morning. hope you had a great weekend. it is monday, april 29. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of your day with us. the u.s. in syria using chemicals on its people. could it be to get a reaction. should is it time now for a response or should we worry about the economy first? >> here's a sign of the times. congratulations on your unemployment. one student's graduation announcement getting a lot of attention. next stop for her, opening envelopes with cash. we'll give you details. >>brian: mike tyson like you've never seen him
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before? oh no! that was my camera. >> this guy, he pushed me. boom, i missed him. that was a good shot. i should have been tazed that day. >>brian: i spent the day with him and wait till you hear what we've learned. he talks about the world, islam and so much more. "fox & friends" starts now. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great way to begin your day. >>brian: on a side note, if you want to change mike tyson from happy to mad, talk about don king. >>gretchen: they don't like each other anymore? >>steve: they have had a falling out. it involves a lot of the money. would you say in quest for celebrity friends, you'd never work for sylvester
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stallone? >>gretchen: i've got to see pictures of you and sly stallone. >>brian: we just have sketches. >>steve: he prefers that. >>gretchen: let's do headlines before you see the mike tyson interview. medical examiners will search the area behind the controversial ground zero mosque looking for human remains after landing gear was found there. the gear was believed to be one of the planes hijacked on september 11. investigators are going to try to determine which of the planes the landing gear belonged to. the area is now declared a crime scene. >> emergency crews are searching for two people after a hot air balloon carrying seven crashed off the cost of peru. they rescued five women in the spafbg ocean but the -- pacific ocean but the pilot and another man still missing. the women were taken to a hospital, conditions
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unknown. >> police in michigan say a mother who disappeared from her late shift at the gas station was likely kidnapped. she was last seen friday night as she prepared to close the store. her purse and keys were left haoepbd and -- left behind and no money was taken from the register. police are looking for a silver minivan. the suspect may be somebody she knew. >> she would help anybody and everybody. very big heart. very big heart. this job would support her and her little boy and her family. >>gretchen: the gas station, unfortunately, did not have security cameras. >> the father of the boston bombing suspect says he's not flying to the united states anymore. anzor tsarnaev is reportedly postponing his trip because he says he's too sick. tsarnaev said he planned to leave today with the hope of seein imprisoned son and burying his other
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son but that will have to wait apparently. those are your headlines. >>brian: i think one of the first times we heard the president talk about syrian chemical weapons was in august they are the. he said -- was in august 2012. he said i hear you're using kemp wall weapons. that is a red line. everything changes if you use chemical weapons. now france and even people, our insiders say they've used chemical weapons on two or three different occasions. they have dates, times and victims. now the president drew a red line. now the president has been brought to that red line. he's checking to see if they went over that red line. the question is: what does it mean? what's the impact if we do nothing? >>steve: exactly right. think about it. if the president of the united states says okay, if somebody crosses this line, they're going to be in really big trouble, they've crossed the line. they've used syrian gas on their own people at least two times. 70,000 people have been murdered in this civil war. congressman mike rogers was
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on abc "this week" yesterday. he made it clear we've got to do something. but what? not clear. >> the president has laid down the line. it can't be a dotted line. it can't be anything other than a red line. more than syria, iran is paying attention to this. north korea is paying attention to this. i think the options aren't huge but some action needs to be taken. >>gretchen: but what is it? it is interesting because a lot of people believe we should not put boots on the ground. think back to the libya situation. it is interesting to see lawmakers who were in favor of that particular move, including senator john mccain, are now not in favor of putting any boots on the ground. maybe he didn't specifically want boots on the ground in libya, but they wanted action. they wanted bombing of sort which obviously happened. so what is the right answer right now? could p-b syria is stkog this -- could it be syria is doing this as a trial balloon to see how the rest of the world will react to
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push the envelope, to see what president obama will do if in fact they gas their own people? >>steve: it could be an international test. if they go ahead and gas their people and we don't -- >>brian: gas the rebels. we're not sure who they're fighting. >>steve: exactly. if they do it once and we do nothing, they could do it again and we might not do anything as well. the suggestions are nobody is saying we need boots on the ground right now. they're talking about a no-fly zone over or some sort of humanitarian aid to the rebels. >>brian: we were already giving them aid. the no-fly zone would be troublesome because either china or russia bulked up their missile defense to a degree it would be risky to establish it. we could take casualties. the question is: what is the message to north korea? what is the message to iran? if you are the president of the united states and you say don't go over this red line, your audacity to go over it is unbelievable. north korea and iran also
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we keep giving warnings to. so if we allow syria to go over that and do nothing, it's going to be a field day for iran as well as north korea, among others. let's listen on the sunday shows how everyone is weighing in on the impact, including israel, who says if i find chemical weapons going to hezbollah, that's my red line. >> the american people are weary, as you pointed out. they don't want boots on the ground. i don't want boots on the ground. >> we don't need to put boots on the ground, but we need to enable the neighbors of syria to bring some sort of peaceful resolution to this. >> you don't ever want to say never any boots on the ground because iran is busy here. iran is very busy here. so is hezbollah. >>brian: iran is on the other side, and they are the only reason the syrian government is still standing along with the russian support and china support. thanks, guys. here's what the president says, knowing that potentially chemical weapons have been used inside of syria doesn't tell us when they were used
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and how they were used. we have this. on march 19 -- when they said they were used. april 13 -- that's when they said they were used. they even have dates, times and victims. on september 23, they were used. the red line has been there, they have been crossed. now the administration is forced to back up the tough talk. we're all on the line. >>gretchen: the foreign policy seems to be all over the place. what we did with libya is not what we're doing with syria. should there be a similar action against both types of countries? >>steve: brian touched on something, and that is syria's air defense. there is an item in the "wall street journal" today that talks about a lot of people don't realize this, but thanks to russia, syria has been able to build a world-class air defense system. and they got all these mobile launchers over there and stuff like that that are scaring the living daylights from people that are thinking about let's take out their airplanes. general martin dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, apparently in a white house meeting said that air defense by
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mr. assad is the single biggest obstacle to u.s. intervention. u.s. intervention costs a lot of money. do we really want to be spending a lot of money when so many people are out of work? >>brian: the question is: should you do preemptive action in a way that will stop the bleeding for the rebels as well as the regime? you've got to find a way because right now we've waited so long, two and a half years, to get involved. we no longer have a say who the rebels are. if you are somebody fighting for freedom and the rebels come up to you and they are al qaeda or another, and say here's the guns, here's the food, i'll fight next to you, who are you going to be allied to? the people on the sidelines? or are you going to be allied to people fighting next to you giving the guns? that's the question. you look at the rebels and
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say we can't support them. it is a no-win situation because we waited. >>gretchen: there is a difference in american opinion. if you went back ten years and said should we spend money on getting involved in syria, you'd have a different answer from the american people. why? look at the war costs through 2012. iraq $823 billion, afghanistan, $567 billion. it's not that they don't care so much about what is going on in syria, north korea and iran, it is that they're more concerned maybe about their own pocketbooks. it is kind of a dual-edged sword. >>brian: i think you're right, but i will say this. if you're the president of the united states and you take the time to explain to people -- like the president is a very good communicator -- why this would be important, the way the president explains why it is so important to tax the rich, their fair share, you start drilling that into people in a way people can understand. but coming up every six weeks with a red line, three months later with syria better not, the american people are like
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you're not intervene this. >>gretchen: i'm not saying it's not important. i'm saying what the perception is. meantime, let's tell you about this story, it's a good one, speaking about employment and the economy. a graduation announcement usually doesn't sound like this. it's like hey, come to my party. i spent four years working hard. one announcement said this. kayla is announcing her graduation from the university and her catapult into unemployment. she signed off with but none of that really matters. send cash. >>brian: she posted that on facebook as well as -- i didn't know this, read it, and was flooded with commentary including some who took issues with her choice of her academic major. but she's getting a ton of money. >> they're saying i should have gone into technology, engineering or nursing. that's great and while we definitely need those people, i prefer the media
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route. it's something i love doing. if i can get paid to do what i love, i'm going to do it. >>brian: or get paid not to do what she loves. >>steve: she said what she posted was satire. she got $1 trillion worth of free publicity. she has some free-lance gigs lined up but still she would like something full time. >>brian: did that go over the line or is that a savvy business oriented person that you want as part of your organization? >>gretchen: or is she just speaking the truth because people coming out of college among the highest unemployment rate now? congress spent more than a half a billion dollars on military tanks. can you say government waste? >>steve: why are we paying for our food stamp program to illegal immigrants? stuart varney knows why. he's got a feeling as he walks right up to brian
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kilmeade live in studio e. kilmeade live in studio e. it's foggy down in d.c. look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. weight watchers online! ♪ never thought i'd dig weight watchers ♪ ♪ never thought i'd love their app ♪ ♪ but i tried their groovy online plan ♪ ♪ and now my arms don't jiggle when i clap ♪ ♪ and i go sleeveless ♪ no shame at bingo! ♪ sleeveless, when i'm hailing a cab ♪
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>>brian: a new record from food stamp nation. one in five households are receiving a government handout. >>gretchen: now the usda is promoting food stamps to illegal immigrants saying you don't need to prove citizenship to get the taxpayer funded freebie.
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>>steve: what kind of threat is that to our economy and security? stuart varney joins us now. >> why do you advertise specifically to illegal immigrants and say you don't have to say you're illegal, but you can get food stamps? why are we saying that? my answer is, you're buying votes. you're attempting to influence a specific voting group by buying -- >>brian: who is giving this vote? >> it is the obama administration which has vastly expanded the food stamp program, advertises it and now says hey you illegals, and they put this out in spanish to the mexican consolate in washington, d.c. you don't have to say that you're illegal. >>steve: you're suggesting illegals come over here, get the free food and vote democratic eventually? >> am i suggesting that? i'm suggesting they are indeed buying sroefplts there is another side -- buying votes. there is another side to this. you could also say you're
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identifying need and fulfilling that need. you are doing the right thing in a humanitarian fashion. there are two sides to this question. >>gretchen: participants, 15.44 million, 48%, that's -- >> no. we're up. 15 million since -- total. we're up 48% since president obama took over the white house. we've gone from 32 million to 47 million. almost 48 million. and we're gaining about 80,000 every month signing up. net new claimants for food stamps 80,000 a month even though we're told the economy is recovering. what's going on? >>brian: you know what the president would say? the president would say i inherited a mess. government was tanking -- excuse me, the economy was tanking. people were losing jobs, so, therefore, i've got to prop them up. >> this is a flashpoint in the debate of takers versus
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makers, taxpayers paying no taxpayers. at a point where we've got a trillion-dollar a year deficit, spending money we don't have, surely we should be doing something about this expanding food stamp program. >>brian: something you're going to be talking about? >> yes. we're going to get another stock market rally because ben bernanke is printing up a storm. >>steve: three hours now over in fox business, this man is going to take the stage. >> tell you all about making money, baby. >>brian: coming up straight head. >>gretchen: general shinseky will promise to help our veterans. he promises to get the benefits they deserve. instead the system has gotten worse. is it time for that general to maybe move on? i guess we'll debate that coming up next. >>brian: sparks fly at a soccer game but has nothing to do with the action on the field. the columbus crew watched
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their score board explode. ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it.
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[ male announcer ] pain not sitting too well? burning to feel better? itching for relief? preparation h offers the most maximum strength solutions for all hemorrhoid symptoms. from the brand doctors recommend most. preparation h. don't stand for hemorrhoids. very logical thinker. (laughs) i'm telling you right now, the girl back at home would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. (screams) i'm really glad that girl stayed at home.
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vo: expedia helps 30 million travelers a month find what they're looking for. one traveler at a time. expedia. find yours.
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>>gretchen: 23 minutes after the top of the hour. he's accused of sending ricin-laced letters to the president, a senator and a judge. today he's facing a tkeufrt judge in court, arrested one week after charges were dressed against the elvis impersonator. at the center of the plot may be a feud between the two men. >> it should be a smooth ride for fliers across the country today because the f.a.a. ending furloughs but first congress must fix a typeo in the bill before the president can sign it. >>steve: don't they have spell check over there?
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they served our country and are not getting the service they deserve due to major backlogs at the v.a. >> in october of 2009, 164,000 in the backlog. it is now 630,000. what is wrong here? >> veterans in the last four years have joined us in unprecedented numbers. >> this administration, and you knew that the two wars were going to end. this is not a lack of caring, but this is a lack of something. >> normally when i've run into situations like this, this is a leadership issue. >>steve: our next guest is using that ad to call for the head of the v.a., retired jenner rick shinseky, to step down. we're joined by the c.e.o. of concerned veterans, pete hegseth. jenner rick shinseky has had a -- general eric shinseky has had a long
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career in the military and used deep respect for him. >> we appreciate the fact that he wanted to continue to serve and by all accounts is an incredibly honorable man but at some point results have to matter. him and president obama four years ago claimed to fix this claims backlog and over four years it's increased by 2,000 percent. it is not because of a lack of funding. funding was increased yet the line has gotten 2,000 percent longer. >>steve: we've got a full screen that shows average wait times. veteran filing his or her claim probably waits 2 # -- 209 days. today he wouldn't receive benefits until 2014. national disability benefits, close to 600,000 vets are waiting 149 days.
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you told me that in some of the big metropolitan areas, some of these guys are waiting close to two years for anything. >> it's double that in some places. new york and l.a., over 600 days. we hear story after story of guys waiting two or three years, claims being lost multiple times. the department spent $500 million to migrate the paper process to a digital process. $500 million later and a system is scrapped, 3% of claims are now done on-line. 97% are still done on paper. this is government failure at its worse. we need an uncompromising leader to take the helm of the v.a. and deliver services vets deserve. >>steve: you say shinseky promised four years ago at his confirmation hearings that he would streamline things. now fast forward four years, things have actually gotten worse.
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who would you like to see take his place? >> absolutely. finally members of congress are stepping up. duncan hunter, 45 other bipartisan members of congress sent a letter to the president last week saying we want action. c.b.a. is proud to be working to fight for something to be fixed. >>steve: it is a disgrace our veterans would have to wait that long for something they earned and deserve. let's see if anything happens. peter, thank you for joining us today. what do you think about that? e-mail us. is it appropriate our vets are waiting 600 days to get the service they need? >> the c.i.a. dropping sacks of cash to the president of afghanistan trying to buy his loyalty. but so is the country of iran. so who will he listen to? the shocking new report out while you were sleeping overnight. meanwhile, anna kooiman is live in nashville on her sweetest assignment ever.
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right, anna? >> made in america. these goo-goo clusters, marshmallow, we're figuring out what goes into this southern treat. when we come back we're going to show you exactly what is in there. you're not going to want to miss it. boy, are these tasty. ♪ there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product. an intense burning sensation i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side. like somebody had set it on fire. and the doctor said, cindie, you have shingles. he said, you had chickenpox when you were a lile girl... i said, yes, i did.
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>>steve: check out some extreme weather. this raging flash flood in houston. that white stuff is hail. houston was swamped with heavy rain leaving many drivers stranded in over a foot of water in low-lying areas. and flash flooding in rural tennessee left these horses stranded in about a foot of water. farm owners scrambling to get them to safety. meanwhile maria molina tracking that storm and a look at the day ahead. >> good morning. good to see you. good morning everyone. we saw extreme storms over the weekend across parts of texas up into tennessee, about 45 reports of severe weather and as much as eight inches of rain in a couple of hours across southeastern portions of texas.
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that's why we saw flash flooding. today that storm is farther off to the east producing drizzle this morning in new york city. we have showers across parts of upstate new york. heavier rain across parts of virginia, north carolina and south carolina. you do need the umbrella as you head to work along the east coast. some of you will looking at significant rainfall today. farther west, we have another storm system rolling through parts of weufplts, parts of -- parts of wisconsin, parts of iowa and you have a chance later this afternoon to see severe storms. large hail and a few damaging wind gusts could be possible. heed the warnings if you see an issue from wisconsin through parts of missouri. a hot day in texas. el paso 91. phoenix, 103 degrees for your high temperatures today. you saw the first day, yesterday you saw triple-digit high temperatures. a scorcher across parts of the desert southwest. back inside steve, lundregan chen and brian.
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-- back inside, steve, gretchen and brian. >>brian: you can't complete about the cold weather and the heat. you have to make a decision about it. >>gretchen: why not? >>brian: make a decision. >>steve: in the winter if you're complaining about the cold weather -- >>gretchen: move. we still have winter here. it's a little more brutal here. >>brian: a shocking new report this morning that for more than a decade the c.i.a. has been delivering bags full of cash to afghan president hamid karzai. according to "new york times" the u.s. delivered tens of millions of dollars in an effort to gain influence. critics say the money led to more corruption. another huge problem with it, car -- he's also getting money from iran.
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>>gretchen: lawmakers from both parties devoted taxpayer money for the last two years on improving the abram tank, but general ray odierno, says if he had a choice he would use the money in a different way. >>steve: the jury is out, not everybody goes to yosemite national park just to take in the sites. it's a drug hot spot as well. apparently drug busts are up 18%, four times more than any other national park. arrests for other crimes at yosemite also skyrocketed. over 2,000 arrests have been made since 2010 compared to just 500 at the apparently much safer yellowstone. >>brian: take a look at this reporter. a reporter from the tampa bay rays taking a picture of herself from fenway park
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just as the ball was making itself to her head. she found out later the ball came close to hitting her square in the noggin. >>steve: her face is a little out of focus but the ball is sharp? >>brian: if you faked that, call us. >>gretchen: nobody is on the field to hit the ball. >>brian: it was before the game. >>gretchen: balls fly around without anybody hitting them. >>brian: could have been batting practice. let's talk about a sport much more popular. soccer. soccer fans in ohio were hoping to watch their team catch fire but instead it was the stadium floorboard that was seuz tkelg when the system short circuited. fire fighters were able to put it out and the game got underway an hour later. david beckham getting the boot. he tried to stomp on an opposing player's leg.
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they had to play the rest of the match without their star player. two of beckham's teammates also received red cards. michael jordan is taking another shot. after five years of trying to make it in the single world, maybe on-line, i don't know, the 50-year-old nba legend thaied -- tied the knot in florida. more than 2,000 people attend the reception inside this massive 40,000 conveyor foot -- massive 4,000 square-foot tent. >> coming up on radio, ed henry leads off. also, mike tyson and michael goodwin. i don't wear those headsets
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anymore. >>gretchen: if you've ever been below the mason-dixon line, you've definitely had this southern treat. >>steve: what makes it even better, it's 100% american made. anna kooiman is live at the goo-goo factory in tennessee to show us how the treats are made. the goo-goo people were here in new york last october, and now you're on location with them. >> absolutely. good morning to you and good morning to everybody at home. it's not every day that you get to make goo-goo clusters with the executive vice president. joined now by lance. good morning to you. for people who are not familiar with this southern treat, what goes in these? >> goo-goo clusters are marshmallow nugget carmel and we have peanuts and milk chocolate on top. >> you made about five million of these last year, an economic shot in the arm for nashville. 700 employees you have. >> a little over 700.
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>> over the years you've had to rebrand yourself and evolve. how has that been working for you? >> in the last three years we took a look at the brand and started to think about what we could do to bring it into the 21st century. >> i know this is kind of how you're supposed to do it. we're in the test kitchen. i think i need to add a few things. let's make an anna goo-goo. we've got some raisins, butter finger. pretzels, got to have some of those. let's see. and soy nut. looks good? >> let's do all of that. this will be the new one for next year. >> a little bit of this. oh, boy. >> it's sort of rough measurements at this point. we're not too concerned, especially at 5:30 in the morning. >> some of those going there. got to get a little crunch, a little salt. this is going to be an anna
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cluster. i understand the goo-goo cluster comes from a customer saying what to the founder? >> saying enjoy. >> goo-goo ga-ga you're going to be asking for these bad boys from birth. we're going out to the actual belt line in our hour, l. i'd like to see if i can keep up with the belt. >>brian: you did a lot there. >>steve: those things are delicious. >>gretchen: we'll check back in with you. >>steve: how is that, anna? >> delicious. >>gretchen: coming up on "fox & friends," teachers unions targeting charter schools for recruitment. our next guest has a report card on that issue. >>brian: mike tyson like you've never seen him before. the boxer turned actor.
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yes?! ♪ [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? why? and we've hit the why phase... >>brian: quick headlines. police in colorado no longer have to report illegal immigrants to federal authorities during an arrest. the law was repealed
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because politicians feared it would lead to stricter laws like in other states. that's good thinking. colorado also considering a bill to give illegals drivers licenses. here's a mystery. let me think about this mystery again. how did this truck end up in a tree? wedged in the branches about ten feet up, and the driver nowhere to be found. she returned as the truck was being removed. she wasn't hurt and didn't explain the accident. i'm going to follow on this story. i may not be back for awhile. >>gretchen: teachers unions targeting charter schools trying to infiltrate them after years of criticism. why now and what does this mean from our nation's kids? with us now the president president of the center for education reform. it is my understanding the charter schools were union free? didn't teachers want to work there because there
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was no union? >> charter schools are public schools accountable for results, free from most of those rules and regulations and provide parents for a choice at a time when we were trying to get away from the rules of hamstrung schools that made them ineffective. today charters outperform public schools in most cases by as much as eight to ten points because teachers have flexibility and freedom. >>gretchen: why the push from the unions to try and infiltrate the charter schools? >> great question. why are they going after 5% of the public schools in the country when fully 80% are in disrepair? why are they going after these schools? it's power. it's control. they should be spending their time working on the schools that are already not where they need to be. parents are wildly satisfied in charters. teachers are wildly
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satisfied. and unions's jobs are about to bargain for rights, not about education. this movement where states like florida and indiana score high on our parent power index and lots others because they're giving people freedom, you've got unions wanting to grab that freedom back. >>gretchen: "charter school educators deserve the same opportunity to speak up for their profession astra additional public school teachers do. aren't the teachers speaking up by choosing the charter school? >> they are free to leave, free to negotiate contracts for themselves. the other thing teachers love about being in a charter school -- by the way, most of these teachers were in a traditional public school, they love the flexibility and quality of life. >> thanks for your time. have a great week. >> is the tomato a
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vegetable or is it a fruit? don't worry, the government has a lot to settle that debate. >> plus one on one with mike tyson. >>brian: that was my camera. >> i'm talking to this guy. he pushed me. boom, i missed him. that was a good shot. i should have been paid that day. >>gretchen: what you haven't heard yet from iron mike. mike. that's coming up next. finding you the perfect place. [ male announcer ] pain not sitting too well? burning to feel better? itching for relief? preparation h offers the most maximum strength solutions for all hemorrhoid symptoms. from the brand doctors recommend most. preparation h. don't stand for hemorrhoids.
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>>gretchen: mike tyson is long for his life in and out of the boxing ring. >>steve: now he's taking his life to a new stage with a stage show called "undisputed truth." but no one gets the truth like that man, brian
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kilmeade. >>brian: i sat down with him to look at his career, where it was and where it's going. i came out of college and started covering sports when you burst on to the scenes. thanks for waiting for me. first off, i think back to your life, was there any part of you growing up in brooklyn in that brutal surrounding that you were and you say, heavy-set kid, very few friends, that thought i'm going to be famous one day? >> never came to my mind. i never thought about being famous. i don't know what i thought about doing. i was picked on in school because guys bullied me all the time. never thought i would be famous, never for fighting. >>brian: arrested 30 times before you're 13. you end up going to like a juvenile home and running across a guy named bobby stewart. when you heard he was a boxer, what made you say i want to try that? >> he hit me in my stomach
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and i went down. i said would you teach me how to do that, sir. i'm thinking i'm going to go back to my old neighborhood and go in their pockets and take their stuff. can you teach me that, please, sir? he taught me how and eventually i started behaving like a nice kid. he taught me how to box. >>brian: you hop in the ring. you're 24 # and 3 as an amateur and you have a lot of success but you don't get on the olympic team. >> it was a blessing, and i blossomed. >>brian: you ended up going pro. i kept hearing about this guy from new york and how good he is. some of the knockouts started happening. you become the youngest heavyweight champion and you're on a roll. what was your life like then? >> more than i could anticipate. it was just, it's what i wanted, it was just so overwhelming.
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>>brian: here's an example. after one fight, mike tyson after the ring waiting to be champion again. >> there's no one tt can match me. my style is impetuous. i'm ferocious. i want your heart. i want to eat your children. praise be to allah. >> you ripped him. you're not in bad shape now. >> not like that. >>brian: but you're ready to go. after that was done, people will be crazy about the post-fight more than the fight itself. was that a show? >> that's just a show right there. that's what you do. boxing is like men's soap operas. >>brian: i bought into it. i was two blocks away at your press conference. i'm saying to myself what would it be like for lenox lewis and tyson to get
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together. let's look at the press conference with you in a black outfit. >> oh no. i'm talking to this guy. boom. i missed him. that was a good shot. he tried to get me. >>brian: it was chaos. what do you remember from that? >> i should have been paid that day. oh gosh, should be paid that day. i thought i should have been paid during the second holyfield fight. remember the police running around. >>brian: you are in the acting business. can we see some of the best of mike tyson in the movies >> this is my favorite part coming up right now. [music] ♪ i've been waiting ♪ for this moment ♪ for all my life
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>> one more time, guys. >>brian: first off, good drumming. did you really hit him? >> no. but he's such a good actor, this guy. i was just happy to be involved with that stuff. >>brian: you like this movie? >> i love this stuff. i love it. i did "scary movie 5." this is what i want to do now. i did the boxing guy back then, tough guy. i'll kill you -- sorry about the spit. that's over. now it's this guy. >>brian: i like this guy. he talks about his one-man play a little bit later. he weighs in on what president is better for his pocketbook. >>steve: you like him? >>brian: i do. i think he's exciting. i love the sport. he made the sport matter. the sport doesn't matter like when he was in it. he's going to be in
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philadelphia on the second, boston on the fourth and long island on the fifth. >>gretchen: donald trump is going to join us at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ i've got the power people lose 5x more weight following the weight watchers approach than trying on their own. you can too. ♪ ♪ you've got the power ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ get the power
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are invisibly at work, protecting people's lives... [ soldier ] move out! [ male announcer ] ...without their even knowing it. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. hope you had a great weekend. it's monday, april 29, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. syria using chemical weapons on its own people and we may know why. could it be to test the world's reaction? is this time for america to get involved or not? >> brian: lawmakers like nancy pelosi accused of making money from insider trading, remember this? >> do you think it's all right for a speaker to accept a very preferential, favorable stock deal, and you participated in the ipo and at the time you were speaker of the house? >> brian: did you know a law to stop this from happening again was just gutted?
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>> steve: indeed. meanwhile, talk about a whale of a tale. (screaming). >> oh, my god. >> steve: you've got to be kidding. it looks like -- >> brian: killer whale stares you down. >> steve: we've got the story behind the video. hour two for "fox & friends" starts right now. >> steve: that's one of those instances where you need a bigger boat. >> brian: how about this, a faster boat. >> steve: a killer whale on our tail? >> gretchen: we'll have donald trump just around the corner. first some headlines. medical examiners are going to search the area behind the controversial ground zero mosque today. they're look for human remains after a piece of landing gear was found there. it's believed that gear is from one of the 767's hijacked on
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september 11, 2001. they will try to determine which of the two planes it belongs to. the area now declared a crime scene. at this hour, searching for two people after a hot air balloon crashed into the pacific ocean. five women were rescued off the coast of peru, found clinging to the floating basket. the pilot and another man still missing. they were meant to fly along the connection but strong winds blew it out to sea. a mother who disappeared from her late shift at gas station was likely kidnapped. she was last seen friday night as she was closing the store. her purse and keys were left behind and no money was taken of the police are looking for a silver mini van now and a man in his 30s or 40s, the suspect may be somebody she knew. she would help anybody and everybody. very big heart. very big heart. she was at this job to support her and her little boy and her
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family. >> gretchen: apparently the gas station did not have security cameras. they may want to get them now since everyone knows they don't. it was a whale of an encounter for a couple celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary in mexico. (screaming). >> oh, my god! >> you got to be kidding me! >> gretchen: 20 killer whales chasing the boat. the folks on the boat were out on a scuba diving trip. awesome video. wow. >> brian: today marks the two weeks since the deadly bombing at boston. this morning there are still plenty of questions about whether the attack was part of a larger plot. david lee miller is live in boston. the f.b.i. has launched an international investigation on the issue and the word is some russian intelligence are moving on what could be some links to the boston bombing. >> that's right. the f.b.i. is now overseas. what they're trying to ascertain is what happened when tamerlan went to russia one year ago, to what extent, if any, did he come
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in contact with russian extremists, what influences might have he encountered at local mosque. a russian newspaper reported over the weekend, russian language newspaper, that tamerlan did try to join a muslim insurgency. this is what the newspaper said sometime in the past. also worth noting, the chairman of the house homeland security committee, michael mccall, says he believes the boy's mother played a very strong role in the radicalization process. still not clear, brian, on the minds of many is what, if anything, did she know about this plot is one of the big unanswered questions, to say nothing of the least, her behavior described by many as simply bizarre. brian. >> steve: plus, it sounds like the mother and father were talking about we're going to go to the united states to clear our kids' names. now the father is saying, i'm not coming. why?
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>> that's right. the father has said he had planned to come. hehe wanted to retrieve his sons body and wanted to see the son who is now in prison. he now says he is suffering from high blood pressure, but he's also said that he's not sure he wants to come here even if he is in good health because he doubts whether or not he'll be able to visit his son, dzhokhar, now in prison. so if you connect all the dots, despite his insistence earlier he would very badly like to come to the united states, many believe even if provided a ticket, it's unlikely he would get on the plane. >> gretchen: there was a lot of discussion, david lee, about this third person, third suspect potentially, somebody named misha. apparently he was found. this is tamerlan's alleged radical teacher. who is this guy? n this is one of the more unusual parts of the story and how it's been resolved or appears to be resolved, also interesting. there is an article in the new york review of books that
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appears to solve this mystery. the writer for the new york review of books says they have located an individual named misha. relatives claimed he radicalized the boy. they say he's a 39-year-old living in rhode island, identified as mikhail and he's a ukranian american. he says he's not seen the boys for at least three years. he had nothing whatsoever to do with this plot, so the f.b.i. has taken his phone and computer and he expects to get them soon. if all this is true, it looks like this part of the story has been resolved. still, many, many, unanswered questions. >> brian: thanks so much. we'll check in with you again. let's bring in donald trump. welcome. >> good morning. >> brian: first off, syria, where do you stand? they've crossed the red line, it seems. we're just getting confirmation now. the president put that down there. what do you think that you know about decisions and leadership. what do you think now is incumbent on him to do?
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>> if you read yesterday's newspapers, in particular al-qaeda is a member and a very strong member and really pushing the rebels. so now what we're going to be doing, if we do this, is funding al-qaeda, which is just what we've been doing and what we want to be doing. this is ridiculous. and it's gotten to a point where we're spending like as an example in iraq, is $.5 trillion -- $1.5 trillion. we got nothing. in the old days, to the victor belong the spoils. we take some oil. we pay ourselves back. we get nothing. now afghanistan. by the way, i had no idea -- nobody had any idea, afghanistan is rich with minerals. you know who is getting all the minerals? china. they're taking the minerals. now we're supposed to get involved with syria. i would say stay out. >> gretchen: so you would agree then with the president's foreign policy right now because they appear to not be getting involved, even though last year he said that there was this certain red line and if they went over it and used chemical
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weapons on their own people, then the u.s. would get involved. >> gretchen, the rebels are being led by al-qaeda. i don't think you have to say much more. >> brian: what about iran? what about north korea? >> by the way, iran is with the rebels. they're the ones fighting. then you have russia. >> brian: they're with assad. >> russia is -- no. i don't think so. i don't think so. your is with assad. russia is really with assad and frank lee, if you look at what's going on with let iran, let russia straighten out their own problems. it's from a human rights standpoint, from a human standpoint, we've been through this before. who knows what weapons they have? who really knows what weapons they have? wouldn't you think maybe it's time to stay out of one of these? >> gretchen: i hear you, donald, 'cause i think the american public, not only are we out of dough, but they're weary of war after iraq and afghanistan. i guess my question is what about israel standing alone there in the middle of all that?
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>> i just don't think we're going to make much difference. every country we've been involved in, i mean, israel with egypt, look at egypt. what did we do in egypt? we destroyed egypt and israel is in much worse shape with egypt than it ever was before ever in history. we were very hands on diplomatically. we certainly -- i would say to the opposite. maybe not militarily, we were a disaster when it came to israel. >> steve: i'm sure you saw the "60 minutes" story a while back where it was exposed that a number of people in congress and their aides apparently did some insider trading, which at that point was absolutely legal. they were able to profit by business their commits were doing with the -- committees were doing with the companies. here is steve croft grilling nancy pelosi on some deals she did. >> what i'm asking is do you think it's all right for a
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speaker to accept a very preferential, favorable stock deal, stated in the ipo and state you were speaker of the house. you don't think it was a conflict of interest? >> no. it only has appearance if you decide you're going to have -- elaborate on a false premise. but it's not true and that's that. >> i don't understand what part is not true. >> that i would act upon an investment. >> steve: after that, of course, congress passed the so-called stock act. i'm sure you're familiar with that. last week the congress gutted it and the president signed it. what do you think? >> i just think it's an amazing story. it's not that surprising. it's incredible that they can do it, that they can get away with it and really, i mean, it's the first time i've heard about it, it's not such a big deal in terms of the news media, which is a little surprising. >> brian: what about the
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president at the correspondents dinner when he brought up obamacare and everybody in the correspondents were clapping? >> you know, they may be clapping, but this country is really having a big problem with obamacare. nobody understands it. it's costing a fortune. it's putting businesses out of business. and something is going to have to be done. if you notice, there are democrats dropping out from obamacare because they're saying it's not working and people are being destroyed by obamacare. so something is going to be done. the other thing, i said it last week, the complexity of obamacare, it's so complex, nobody understands it. nobody. >> brian: republicans, if they're smart, they'll lay out and watch it collapse on its own weight. it finally happened last night, gary bit the dust. "celebrity apprentice," let's go there semi life, or 24 hours later. >> you'll hear dad say, they're going to create a mechanical dog! >> okay. >> i'm going to go down on all
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fours (barking). >> james did not like the mechanical dog. you're the project manager. you didn't highlight many of the products and they're fantastic. gary, you're fired. >> gretchen: oh, my gosh, it finally happened, donald. >> well, it finally happened. it had to happen. i love gary and he's a piece of work and i'm not sure, is he a genius or something the exact opposite? he says pearls of wisdom that are amazing actually on occasion. but he is a strange cookie. there is no question about it. it was his time. you know, the show has great credibility. that's why it's done so well. we're in our 13th season and it has credibility. if i kept gary, and i would have liked to, but from an entertainment standpoint, but it had to be gary. >> brian: joan rivers was on there and she couldn't understand the spot. we knew he was gone. i could make much more sense of him this time as opposed to a
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couple of seasons ago. >> he actually made a big comeback. despite what you just saw on television, i mean, that was good compared to what he was three years ago. anyway, we love gary. he's a piece of work. and he had to be fired. >> steve: now he's got some free time on his hands. donald trump, thank you very much. see you next week. >> thank you very much. >> steve: straight ahead, is the tomato a vegetable or fruit? don't worry, the government has already settled that debate with a law. more evidence you're living in regulation nation. coming up next. >> gretchen: then who needs these pesky hurdles? he just plows right through them. >> brian: then he jumps on the other guy. boom. >> steve: it's faster that way. >> brian: watch. then he screws up the other guy. p isn't who you are.
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>> steve: god said, let there be light. apparently bureaucrats in minnesota didn't read that part of the bible. now it's illegal to use decorative gas lamps on the outside of your house. here to explain this week's most ridiculous red tape is republican strategist nicky neily. good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> steve: the land of 10,000 lakes apparently 10,000 regulations as well. when it comes to gas lamps on the outside of your house.
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>> yes. or on the inside of your house as well. april 21, 1977 is a day that will live in infamy, that's the day the lights went out in minnesota. gas lamps either -- open flames have never been alaw loued. but that day, any kind of gas lamps with mantle or otherwise covered stopped being allowed and became illegal to service those lamps. and as it turns out, you were in some small cases allowed a variance. if you were 65 years old on that day, so it brings a whole new meaning to the term grandfather clause, or if it's because of converting your lamp was greater than the cost of the benefit of that lamp. don't worry, there are a whole number of calculations. >> steve: i'm so glad that they really cracked down on that because that's really something that need some attention. just like in alabama, with your billiard hall, you have to be able to see from the front to the way back or you could do hard time. >> absolutely.
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you are not allowed to have screens of any kind. you are also not allowed to have trap doors, secret doors, windows, secret passages, again, this is a tremendous threat to law and order in the state of alabama. and if you have your billiards at your billiard table in a town that does not have a police force, it's unincorporated, you have to have a license. if you do not, you could be subject to a fine between 50 and $100 per table and you could do time, between 30 to 50 days. it's tough. >> steve: yeah. they're not messing around. meanwhile, there has been a long running debate, is it tomato a fruit or vegetable? i believe it is a fruit. but the federal government, the supreme court and united states have settled it. it's a vegetable! >> who knew? did you know? in 1893, the supreme court determined that tomatoes are a vegetable. the reason we care about this is because it now means that tomatoes are subject to vegetable import laws and restrictions.
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there is a whole big manual on what kinds of tomatoes can be imported, what they look like between october and june, they must be grade 2 or higher and that means that they can have sun scald and freezing damage. they can't be bruised. they can't be overripe. they can't be too soft. they can't be too big. they can't be weird shapes. >> steve: there are always going to be vegetable, which makes sense because the government has also classified ketchup as a vegetable. thank you for bringing these crazy rules to our attention. >> you bet. >> steve: allall right. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. she was raised by a tiger mom and says it doesn't always have to be my way or the highway. so is her way of parenting better? and country sweetheart made a huge move. wait until you hear what she just did with a whole bunch of her cash.
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on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.
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>> steve: the numbers time. 17 million. that's how much taylor swift paid in cash for that beautiful mansion in rhode island. her new 11,000 square foot home sits atop five acres. man, she's rich. 99,229 bucks, that's how much the next general manager at stonehenge will make. managing over 180 people and keeping the world famous monument in pristine condition and keeping the griswolds. $195.3 million, that's how much "ironman 3" made oversea this is weekend. it has not even opened yet in the united states.
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it hits u.s. theaters on friday. all right. gretch, over to you and brian. >> gretchen: thanks very much. being strict with your kids can always be tough. but for tiger moms, it's second nature. remember the author of "the tiger mom." says she was grateful. >> looking back as an adult, i'm so grateful to them. i feel like oh, my gosh, they gave me the skills and foundation to pursue my passions. >> brian: hold the key to parenting, our next guest says no way. she's written a book about that callef77rçñpñ?ñ? "strike back." the author is here. you're doing just the opposite. why? >> i feel like strict parenting might yield quantitative results, test scores, awards, but there are so many ways to have success that are invisible
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that are inside you and i think that it caused a lot of anxiety for me growing up having such strict high standards as if that's all ha mattered. >> gretchen: you say that's within the chinese culture to have this lack of emotion and that that filters down into the way in which a child is raised. how so? >> i think that immigrants and generations that are close to the immigrant generation, they want their kids to be tough because they know that life is hard. but i feel like we are so far from actual survival, we're not worried about starving in real life. we're just starving for affection. >> brian: do you think that toughness could be an advantage in the real world, that you could be losing not giving your child the edge you had? >> i think there are ways to be tough, but still accessible to your children. >> brian: for example? >> well, we get our homework done and we still have play dates. i think you can do both. i don't think you have to be so cut and dry.
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>> gretchen: because amy chiou had written she didn't allow sleepovers and there was a lot of practices an instruments and some people thought it was a little too far over the line. i'm interested in you telling our viewers your mom's reaction because she was a tiger mom and she is currently not speaking to you, right? >> well, she's coming around. but we had a very quiet period of -- it wasn't -- it was just crickets chirping. so i think that the intellectual knowledge that your child is writing a book is different from actually opening the pages and seeing that here is a conversation that you had 30 years ago. >> brian: and you remember verbatim. >> yes. she might not even remember it happened and she was younger then than i am now. and i understand that that might sound unfair, but it's also significant that 30 years later, i still remember it and it affects me to have felt less than because i got a b plus. >> gretchen: so it's sort of the anti-thesis of the tiger mom. it's a new book.
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check it out. thanks much. >> thank you. >> brian: good luck with it. straight ahead, it was the hottest ticket in town this weekend, the washington correspondents dinner. >> fox news is watched by conservatives, nbc is watched by liberals and cnn is watched by the people who claim the offices at cnn -- clean the offices at cnn. >> brian: conan's best moments are next. >> gretchen: isn't this against the rules? just plowing through the hurdles in the sport of hurdling. guy got a little upset. but he took it off for everyone. >> brian: i don't think he even belonged in the race [ male announcer ] it's 7am and steve is already thinking about tomorrow.
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which is why he's investing in his heart health by eating kellogg's raisin bran®. good morning dad. hi, sweetie. [ male announcer ] here's another eye opener. not only is kellogg's raisin bran® heart healthy
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it's a delicious source of potassium. ♪ mom make you eat that? i happen to like raisins. now that's what i'm talkin' about. [ male announcer ] invest in your heart health with kellogg's raisin bran®. >> gretchen: there she is. >> steve: people walked the red carpet before the annual nerd prom, as the white house correspondents dinner is known, held historically at the hilton and there is robert wright. it's a tough night because the president of the united states goes out and always does a very good job of making jokes and following that is a headliner. one of my favorite jokes the president did saturday night was referring to his presidential library, the president said, some have suggested we put it in my birth place.
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but i'd rather keep it in the united states. >> gretchen: of course, that was an attack on people who believed he was not born here. but conan o'brien, he had a tough job. he had to make something funny, especially after the boston bombings and other bad news that's been going on out in texas and elsewhere. we decided to put it together his best moments for you because most of us were not >> like to acknowledge earlier this evening there was some confusion with the seating chart. for a moment, someone accidentally sat governor chris christie with the republicans. that was awkward and i apologize. very awkward. speaking of tables, before dinner, i had a chance to mingle. you probably saw me. i worked the crowd. i shook some hands and sold my twitter account to al-jazeera for $500 million. they'll buy anything! [ laughter ] of course, the washington freak media is joining us this evening.
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the print media are here for two very good reasons. food and shelter. [ laughter ] you know, how are you? you know, some people say print media is dying, but i don't believe it. and neither does my blacksmith. [ laughter ] you got to meet zachariah. he's great. also tonight some of the big names in television news. when it comes to television news, we have a divided media landscape. fox news is watched by conservatives. nbc is watched by liberals and cnn is watched by the people who [ laughter ] oh, it gets worse. [ laughter ] cnn's ratings are so low, now when a logo comes up, james earl jones says, you're watching cnn? [ laughter ] what the hell!
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>> brian: conan was very funny. but it a headline tore follow the president of the united states. one other joke the president did, the president said, david axelrod works for msnbc, which is a nice change of pace, since msnbc used to work for david axelrod. >> gretchen: all right. so here is another story that another group,, was able to expose and has to do with the economy and the president playing golf. and how much time was devoted to both of those two things. here is their work for you. 976 hours, economic meetings, 474.4 hours. you can be the judge on how you feel about that. >> steve: you know what? the number of hours on vacation and golf may actually be low balled because the president is quoted as saying, when i play golf, i go for six hours. but this outfit that did it, the government accountability institute, which is nonpartisan, they estimated it at four hours.
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plus, when you look at anything that they give the president credit for regarding the economy, if he was simply meeting with ceo's, they would say, okay. give him an hour there, even though it might have been stretching it. >> brian: 24 minutes before the top of the hour. some headlines. spy or pay up. a government task force reportedly looking to pressure companies into complying with wire tap orders. they would fine companies like facebook and google that don't let authorities intercept on-line communication. the fines would start at tens of thousands of dollars. critics say it's an attack on privacy and force american businesses overseas. supporters say it's necessary to catch terrorists and other criminals before they blow you up. >> gretchen: thanks but no thanks. that's the what army -- what the army is saying. taxpayer money devoted for the last two years on improving the abram tank. general ray, the army's chief of staff, says if he had a choice, he would have used the money in a different way.
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so why is the money still flowing? apparently it's political. keeping the production line rolling protects businesses and jobs in congressional districts where the tank suppliers are located. >> steve: a former criminal making an emotional plea, begging for forgiveness in front of the georgia congregation he stole from. >> i'm sorry for hurting you and stealing from you. and will you please forgive me? >> steve: last year that guy, kevin harris, made off with church goers' credit cards and thousands of dollars from the baptist church safe to feed his drug addiction. he turned himself in and was given probation, but coming clean wasn't enough. he wanted to apologize in person. he was welcomed with hugs and cheers after he said he was sorry. >> brian: all right. she disappeared during her late shift at the gas station. now police in michigan say this michigan mom was kidnapped and this morning there has been
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released a description of a potential subject and suspect, i should say, wxmi reporter joins us right now from norton shores. what do you know? >> good morning, brian. business appears as usual outside of exxon-mobil gas station that is in the lake shore community of norton shores. social media really helping to get out her face. that is 25-year-old jessica. her family has been out all weekend long making sure people know what she looks like. they were posting flyers around on the utility poles, as well as windows. one man even offering a up $500 of his own money. there were no security cameras at this gas station, but from talking to people, they coo know that it is -- do know that it is a chrysler town and country silver mini van, a man stockier in biological. they think maybe she did know him because she is a store clerk
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and possibly had contact with. that's the latest, urging anyone to come forward with information. live here in norton shores, fox 17 news. >> brian: hopefully get more today because time certainly matters. thanks. >> steve: foggy there. it is a -- we had a wicked weather weekend all over the place. look at this. >> there's got to be like three feet of water in the parking lot! >> steve: check out this raging flash flood in houston. all that white stuff? hail. the size of golf balls. city of houston was swamped with heavy rain, leaving many drivers stranded in a foot or two of water in some instances. and severe storms left a trail of destruction in georgia. strong winds and hail damaged houses, even overturned a boat. maria molina is here tracking that storm. where is it now? >> it's impacting us on the east coast today. we're seeing a little drizzle in the new york city area.
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we've had on and off showers. that's from upstate new york, down into parts of the carolinas and even trailing showers across parts of georgia, that same area that got hit hard with severe storms over the weekend. i want to tell but another type of flooding, river flooding occurring now across parts of minnesota, parts of north dakota. we've had a lot of snow out here. it's been very cold over the last several weeks. that's kept that snow in place. this weekend was very warm. temperatures into the 60s and 70s for many people out here. that produced a lot of snow melt. now we actually have reports of major flooding ongoing out here. we do expect the rivers to remain out here in this area at major flood stage coming up over the next several days. this is something that we will keep an eye on as we do have again ongoing flooding in parts of north dakota and minnesota. again, showers from parts of upstate new york, down into the carolinas. another storm system through sections of the midwest, from wisconsin to missouri. you have a slight chance to see severe weather. texas today, very warm. 88 degrees for your high
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temperature in the city of dallas. back inside. >> steve: here comes the red river. thank you very much. >> gretchen: coming up, even members of congress want out of obamacare now? but you have no choice. so how can you survive? that's coming up next. >> brian: and historic day, ground zero. the awesome thing happening today. ♪ ana, lookin' good! what's your secret? weight watchers online! ♪ never thought i'd dig weight watchers ♪ ♪ never thought i'd love their app ♪ ♪ but i tried their groovy online plan ♪ ♪ and now my arms don't jiggle when i clap ♪ ♪ and i go sleeveless ♪ no shame at bingo! ♪ sleeveless, when i'm hailing a cab ♪ ♪ sleeveless! ♪ i rock the scanner [ beep ] ♪ weight-watchers-online ain't no fad ♪
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>> steve: a bunch of headlines. historic day at ground zero. one world trade center will top out at 1776 feet today, when the last pieces of its spier will be installed. it will become the tallest building in the western hemisphere and you are looking live at pictures from lower manhattan. that is a beautiful building. meanwhile, sometimes in life, you got to were you right through the hurdle the, like this guy competing in the chinese university games. he had some trouble getting throughout first two hurdles, so he just decided to run right through the rest! this video, that screws up the whole deal. video from 2010, but it's just making its rounds on youtube. going viral. >> brian: many americans still fighting to survive in this down
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economy, pushing pennies, searching for jobs, all while believing in themselves and our country. our next guest says when it comes to president obama's economy, first get mad, then even. joining us right now, wayne allen root, laborer tearian vice president nominee and author of a book. obviously you didn't vote for president obama. first off, how do you survive? first thing we should take from your book? >> hey, brian, good to see you this morning. and first thing i want to mention is everything i'm talking about is in detail at, opinion section. the article is up there. and the way you survive is stop complaining. don't just get mad, get even. and so you've got to figure out ways to prosper on every move obama's going to make and it's pretty obvious he's going to spend, spend, spend and add to the debt and add to the entitlements. my book shows you an 18-point plan. >> brian: let's go over a few of
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those plans. invest in medical, real estate and medical stocks. this is all about obamacare, you think they're going to prosper there? >> well, here is the deal, brian. we know that whatever government spends money on, they spend and spend and spend and waste and waste and waste and nobody oversees it and they just waste trillions, literally, on medical care. so invest in pharmaceutical stocks, biotech stocks, in medical technology, and in medical real estate. you will make a fortune as the government wastes a trillion dollars. >> brian: i know a lot of people in biotech and don't think it's thriving because there is no incentive to do so. move to a no tax state. where are they? >> well, the no tax states, the three best that come to mind right away, i interviewed 18 of the richest guys and asked them the best places to move in the united states. nevada, where i live. texas and florida. but there are several others states where you get to keep more of your own money. at the end of a four decade work career, you can have an extra half million to a million dollars and if invested well,
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even more. by just living in a state that takes less of your money. you don't have to work a day longer. you don't have to work a day harder. you just get to keep more of young own money in those states. with obama raising taxes on so many levels, brian, you have to find the shelter and those states are your shelter. >> brian: work ethic. flat out, just get a second job if you need more money. >> yeah. a lot of people complain all the time. you hear people complaining they have a government job. they only make 60 or 70,000 a year. they want more. well, i work 12 careers. literally. i'm not exaggerating. i worked 16-hour days. obama considers me rich. there is a good reason. i work hard. turn off the tv. stop worrying about your weekends and start worrying about your income. if you had a second career, sell insurance, sell stocks, find a way to use the extra hours that you've got in your spare time to make more money. maybe you just have to work twice as hard to make twice as much in the obama economy.
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>> brian: even if 40% goes to the government. maybe more. thanks very much. straight ahead, coming up, a special performance on the plaza . ♪ . >> brian: what makes these teens so spectacular next look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. [ male announcer ] pain not sitting too well? burning to feel better? itching for relief? preparation h offers the most maximum strength solutions for all hemorrhoid symptoms. from the brand doctors recommend most.
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>> gretchen: our next guest is so outstanding that she won first place in the pageant miss america's outstanding teen. watch this. >> south carolina! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> gretchen: miss america's outstanding teen for 2013, rachel wyatt is here, she brought along her high school show choir. you're from piedmont, something s, right? >> yes, ma'am. that's right. >> gretchen: you came on a field trip to new york city. you're going to be singing at new york city landmarks. >> yes, ma'am. we'll be getting to perform.>> s america outstanding teen. you're from south carolina. i know you want to go to clemson university next fall. tell me about the scholarship money that you won from the program. >> the great thing about this pageant is it's not all just glamour and glitz. we do provide scholarship. i'm thankful to have received $37,000 in scholarship money to send me to school this coming fall. >> gretchen: this is known as the little sister program to the big pageant, which is miss america. there's a talent category. you're also a dancer? >> yes, ma'am. i performed my talent on the stage and i also got to perform at the miss america pageant. i get to dance for many people all across the nation. i love what i do. >> gretchen: i was in a singing and dance group in high school, but my outfits didn't look quite
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like this way back when. what are you going to sing? >> "some nights." >> gretchen: take it away. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ what do i stand for ♪ most nights i don't know anymore ♪ ♪ oh, oh
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♪ omoh ♪ oh ♪ this is the point i'm waiting for ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> gretchen: all right. fantastic! you sound like "glee." amazing job. enjoy your trip in new york city. >> thank you. >> gretchen: thanks for coming all the way to "fox & friends" from south carolina. fantastic. >> brian: i want to manage them right to "american idol" or "the voice." >> steve: a picture that looks fake, but it's the real deal. we'll tell you what happened after this was snapped. >> brian: and one student's graduation announcement getting a lot of attention. it says, i'm graduating. i'm unemployed, but lots of
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folks say it's her own fault. the controversy, top of the hour. sing us out. >> steve: did you sign them yet to a contract? >> brian: yes, i have. ♪ hoo-hoo. hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo. hoo-hoo hoo. sir... i'll get it together i promise... heeheehee. jimmy: ronny, how happy are folks who save
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so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it's monday, april 29, 2013. i hope you had a great weekend. thanks for sharing part of your monday with us today. i'm gretchen carlson. let's talk about syria because they're using chemical weapons on their own people. now the world is watching and president obama promised that red line. so is it time for america now to get involved or not? should we be focusing on the economy instead? >> steve: meanwhile, remember this interview on "60 minutes"? lawmakers like nancy pelosi accuse evidence making money from insider trading. >> what i'm asking is, do you think it's all right for a speaker to accept a very preferential, favorable stock deal and if you participated in the ipo and at the time you were
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speaker of the house? >> steve: and that was all legal. but then they passed the law from profiting like that. guess what happened? they just gutted the bill. we have details. >> brian: here is my face again. then part 2 of my one on one with mike tyson. >> my wife, my family, i got one of the biggest liberal families in the world. >> brian: a side of the ex-boxer you rarely see. his money side. "fox & friends" starts right now >> steve: i'm glad when i was speaking you were watching so intently. [ laughter ] >> brian: shows i care. >> gretchen: good morning, everyone. hope odd great weekend. let's get right started on the 8:00 o'clock hour with headlines. a black explosion in the czech
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republic, injuring over 40 people. officials looking for those trapped. this is new video out of prague. it was likely caused by natural gas. several buildings and homes nearby had windows blown out and they've been evacuated until officials are sure no other blast will occur. police in michigan say a mother who disappeared from her late shift at a gas station was likely kidnapped. jessica herina was last seen friday night as she was closing the store. her purse and keys were left behind and no money was taken from the register. police are looking for a silver mini van. that's all they have and in a man in his 30s or 40s. the suspect may be someone she knew. >> she would help anybody and everybody. very big heart. very big heart. she was just at this job to support her and her little boy and her family. >> gretchen: unfortunately, the gas station did not have security cameras. this morning emergency crews are searching for two people after a hot air balloon crashed into the pacific ocean.
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five women were rescued off the coast of peru. they were found clinging to the floating basket. but the pilot and another man still missing. the -- it was meant to fly along the coast burks a wind blew it to sea. tampa bay race reporter taking a picture of herself before a red sox-rays game. she snapped it with her back to the batting practice going on when -- so she says they heard heads up and ducks just in time. the ball whysed right by her head, but she was able to capture that photo right as it was all happening. it looks fake, but according to her, it's all real. >> steve: it does look kind of fake. we've got news about syria, it's all messed up. the prime minister survived a car bomb attack, at least six other people were killed and at least 20 others were injured. >> brian: on august 12, the president came out, many times he said, when it comes to the
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civil war in syria, he's asked for assad to go. he's not gone. and he said, when it comes to the use of kimal weapons -- chemical weapons, that's a red line. on march 19, there was word they used chemical weapons. also on april 13, used chemical weapons. >> steve: are you saying they crossed the red line? >> brian: yeah. on december 23, on a village there outside damascus, they used it again. now they're having more and more eyewitnesses to the point where the european union, france are weigh not guilty and israel, their intelligence bureaus are saying that the use of chemical weapons is indeed taking place. we are investigating that. but here is the problem, if you're the president, he says it's a red line. the calculus changes that if they are able to use the chemical weapons and if they get in the wrong hands, like al-qaeda taking them over, taking them or they start spreading, that changes the calculus. what are we going to do about it? >> gretchen: it's interesting because a lot of politicians over the weekend were saying we
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need to do something. but nobody is quite sure what that something is. here is congressman mike rogers. >> the president has laid down the line. it can't be a dotted line. it can't be other than a red line. more than just syria, iran is paying attention, north korea is paying attention to this. so i think the options aren't huge, but some action needs to be taken. >> gretchen: what is the action, because the problem is the rebels now being linned to al-qaeda. so if you go in to help the rebels, are you also helping al-qaeda at the same time? >> brian: or do you secure the weapons? >> steve: yeah. exactly. so some in congress are saying, let's at least install a no fly zone. they're calling for much more humanitarian aid. when it comes to no-fly zone, or people think with libya, we flew over there and blew up all of gadhafi's airplanes. the problem in syria, though, is over the last couple of years, syria was able to essentially build a world class air defense
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system. they're in cahoots with the russians. in fact, there are russian engineers on the ground right now in syria making sure everything works and that is one of the things that general dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs is telling the white house. we could probably take him out, but we got to be worried about their defense because in addition to the stationary stuff, they also have three dozen of the mobile launchers and those are hard to find and they're also hard to pick off when they're in the midst of a school yard. >> brian: all right. so off situation here where you might not want to have troops there. you might say we just pulled out of iraq right away. we're about to pull out of afghanistan. why are we going to syria where we can't know which side to be on? fine. the president's credibility is on the line and therefore, america's. what bothers me is even when the president said that, they still went over that line. i talked to a prominent person in our military and they said they think they are testing us. they're testing to see what we will do if they do something
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because their use of chemical weapons is limited. listen to what they're saying on the sunday shows. >> american people are weary, as you pointed out. they don't want boots on the ground. i don't want boots on the ground. >> we don't need to put boots on the ground. but we need to enable their neighbors, the neighbors of syria to bring some sort of peaceful resolution to this. >> we don't ever want to say, absolutely never any boots on the ground because iran is busy here. iran is very busy here. and so is hezbollah. >> gretchen: so besides being war weary amongst the american public, it's also an economic problem because as americans are really looking at their own pocketbooks, they're also looking at the dramatic cost of the wars that we've been through over the last decade. iraq, 823 billion. afghanistan, $557 billion. and so while we continue to talk about our deficit soaring and many cutbacks that are apparently happening with sequester and such, you got to
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wonder whether or not we can afford another war. >> brian: or can we afford not to? what if if those pressure cookers there is chemicals in there? that's something we were talking about in new york. they're coming around with the chemical trucks, testing the water and air. what if they were get it and blows up an entire city? we're not talking about 220 wounded and three people losing their lives. we're talking about thousands and the city paralyzed and our economy grounded. that's the same calculus that went into fighting those two wars. nobody wanted to fight those two wars. we felt as they we had to. if you think we're better off staying out, at least make it a well thought plan rather than make it inaction and maybe it will solve itself. that's what i get the sense we're subscribing to. >> steve: plus, just keep in mind, so far 70,000 people that we know of have been killed in the civil war in syria. somebody's got it do something. meanwhile, this is somebody who has got to do something. she has just graduated from the
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utah valley university and you know what? she came out with a social media announcement that looks like this. it says, kayla marie north is inclined to announce both her graduation from uvu and her catapult into unemployment. at the bottom of the announcement, it listed her majors and her achievements, but then signed off with, but none of that really matters. send cash because after she is graduated, now she can't find a job. >> gretchen: here is kayla. >> they're saying i should have gotten into technology or engineering or nursing. while that's great and we need those people, i prefer the digital media route. it's something i love doing and if i can get paid to do what i love, then i'm going to do it. >> gretchen: what happened was after she posted this, apparently a lot of comments came in to her facebook and such saying that she should have chosen a different academic major and she maybe would have found a job. so was it that or is it the fact
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that it's hard for kids, whether or not they go to college right now, to find employment that, entry level job? are people hiring now those types of individuals? >> brian: i would think that's a savvy major. if you were to bring something to a company, they want you. >> steve: by virtue of the fact that she has placed that on-line in her industry and now we're talking about it and a lot of people across the country are talking about it, she's already gotten freelance gigs. who knows? she may have cleverly par layed the fact that she said i'm out of work into getting work. so good for her, if that's her plan. >> brian: didn't she graduate a week ago? >> steve: yeah. >> brian: be a little patient. get your gown off first, take the cap off, let it land. >> gretchen: at least she has parents she can live with. a lot of kids have to prepare for the future. >> steve: she's got health care 'til 26. >> brian: so when your parents hug you at graduation, it's
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good-bye! it's called the hilton, honey. >> gretchen: coming up, congress spent more than a half billion dollars on army tanks. one problem, the army doesn't want the tanks. is this government waste at its finest? that's coming up next. >> steve: and remember this interview on "60 minutes" when nancy pelosi was accused of making money from insider training? a lot to stop this from happening again was just gutted by her congress. what up with that
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>> steve: one suspect in the boston bombing dead and another locked away in some military hospital, some lawmakers in washington are now looking to the tsarnaev brothers' mother, saying she may know more about the deadly plot. without an extradition treaty between the united states and your i can't, could she escape without questioning. joining us is peter johnson, jr. sounds like the mother said, i'm going to go back to prove the innocence of my boys. now she's kind of backing away 'cause she could get arrested. >> she is a perplexing figure. at least two congressional representatives say we've got look at her a lot more closely. there have been some unconfirmed reports about what her activities may have been with regard to jihad, with regard to a culture and environment by
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which her son could be radicalized. we need toook at that even further. is she the jihaddist version of america's 1930 gangster ma barker. ma barker was providing aid and comfort to her four or five gangster children and there is a picture of her. she was shot in the shootout with the f.b.i. in 1935. and in florida. so we don't know whether she's a grieving mother who looks insane in some ways and making all kinds of bizarre statements, or whether she was providing material support to her sons in a terrorist activity. if she's providing material support, then extradition becomes important. will russia agree to bring her back? she's a naturalized u.s. citizen, but she never renounced her russian citizenship. so she can stay there without being brought back. she has been questioned by the f.b.i. >> steve: right. here is a question for you, famously, the russians called us and said, hey, you got to keep an eye on this guy because we
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think he's up to something. if they're trying to help us out, maybe they'll extradite her. >> senator schumer said something similar yesterday. he said yes, the f.b.i. may have had difficulties in terms of their response. they can't be right all of the time. but what was russia doing after they were aware of it and after he returned to russia and posted on a web site? what did they actively do a second time to assist the united states? there is a mutual legal assistance agreement between russia and the united states. there is an antiterrorist compact between the united states. in fact, we've been on drug raids together in afghanistan. but in terms of terrorism, i think our interests are conjoined. u.s. and russia. how do we protect the world as two great super powers from terrorists, whether in chechen or in boston? so grieving mother or ma barker? i think we need to dig in hard. the father has not been interviewed. he said he was too sick. he was coming to the u.s. now he says he's not.
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it leads to some suspicions, we've got to dig harder and harder and it will take an f.b.i.-russian con influence to do it. >> steve: we have to do the digging now because that judge came in after 16 hours and read the younger brother his rights, mirandized him. maybe if they would have gone longer, maybe he would have spilled the beans. >> i think that was set up and intentional. i the government knew what was going on and wanted to make sure he was questioned at that time. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. >> good to see you. >> steve: meanwhile, something you haven't heard from mike tyson. his love for president reagan? >> my wife, my family, i got one of the biggest liberal families in the world, but i have more money than bush and reagan. >> steve: iron mike talking politics with brian coming up. then, a small town trying to solve a huge mystery. how did this truck get in the tree with nobody behind the
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>> gretchen: he's accused of sending ricin-laced letters to the president, a senator and a judge. today he's facing a different judge in court. james everett dutschke arrested one week after charges were dropped against the elvis impersonator. they're neighbor, though. at the center of the plot, may be a long running feud between those two men. searching the area behind the controversial ground zero mosque today. they're looking for human remains now after a piece of landing gear from 9-11 was found there.
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it's believed the gear is from one of the 767's hijacked on september 11. you got to wonder where that's been all this time. >> brian: i think it's the second plane. earlier we showed you some of my interview with mike tyson. we talked about his career and his new role as an actor. he also revealed the side of himself we don't often see, similar to his new stage show, "undisputed truth." take a look. >> i left prison, i have to admit i was scared. you ain't going to believe this), i had $380 million in my bank account. me. and not a clue how i was going to survive the next 400 seconds. >> brian: when did you realize i could take my life and i could bring it to the stage? >> i never knew that, but i knew something was going to change with the life i was living because even when i was using drugs, i would say i wish i could stop doing this. if i could stop, but i was still sniffing while i was saying it. but i had planted that seed.
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eventually it stopped. my daughter passed away and i wanted to make a change in life. i wanted to be more committed. in order for that to happen, i had to kill and get rid of all of my past. >> brian: so you have seven kids. what is it like having little kids around? >> it makes you feel old. you're 47, you got these little babies. when they're 15, you're going to be in the senior citizen ward. i wonder sometimes how this is going to be. but this is something that is really ironic about my kids that i'm at this stage of my life with anybody else physically, materialistically, the worst stage of my life has been the most balancing stage of my life. i never in 100 years was able to have a relationship, much less have a family. now at least i'm their friend. they call me dad. that, to me, if i was to die tomorrow, i would feel i was overpaid in life.
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>> brian: you had you had nobody to call dad. you were basically on your own, almost your entire life. >> i never had good parents. so i couldn't be a good parent. i'm not saying i'm a good parent now. >> brian: but you're trying. >> i'm willing to try to be a good parent. >> brian: this is the new mike and you're going to be back on stage shortly? >> i don't know this guy is new, but this is what he has to be today. >> brian: you worry about the other guy coming back? >> no, that guy is dead. he's dead because he couldn't survive in this world. if he did, what is he going to do? what's he going to do? you know what i mean? so he has to be adaptable. >> brian: do you realize what you're doing now? you are blue collaring it. so you owe the irs money. so instead of sitting back, you're going, i'm going to work this thing. i'm going to do movies and books. >> i'm so proud to be in this. i look forward to paying my taxes and my country. i know that they say that's
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legal extortion, but i'm living in this country and if i have to pay taxes, that's the money i paid for my life on earth. my wife, my family, i got one of the biggest liberal families in the world, but i have more money when bush and reagan was president. my wife gonna kill me for that. >> brian: bush and reagan had this idea you should keep your money. >> yeah. i like that to work for me. i'm going to work on that too with this obama administration, hoping this obamacare helps us keep money. >> brian: if you you? boston and you saw what happened, you see these guys who became -- looks to be militant islamists. so you or somebody, are you a muslim? >> yeah, big time. >> brian: do you you understand that mentality for your religion, what should people know about when those guys do those things? >> i can't represent my religion 'cause i have to represent my own salvation. it's hard for me to represent my religion. >> brian: do you think allah wants them to do that?
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>> i don't think anybody wants them to do that. there are certain people that are jealous with the way we live our lifestyle and they can't dictate the women in our life, dressing the way they want, they can't beat them up. this is what this all comes from. i'm not saying islam, but this is these guys that are jealous of us, the way we live our life here, our culture. >> brian: no path was paved for you. you took an opportunity. you did the best you can. you went from nowhere to everywhere. that is something uniquely american, don't you think? >> i think that should be -- the best country in the world for people to have progress and enterprise. if you want that, this is the place to be. these other countries that are jealous of us, that's just the way it is. people are jealous of people. that's been that way before you were born and i was born and it will continue to be that way. >> steve: straight talk from might tyson. >> gretchen: that was fascinating. >> brian: he's got his one man show and he'll be coming to a theater near you and he doesn't think he'll ever be able to pay
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government. he made over $4 million. he'll be at westbury, philadelphia, boston, and you can go it find out more information. very nice of him to come by. >> gretchen: coming up, brand-new information released on tim thibault. will the jets keep him or give him the boot? >> steve: talk about a whale of a tale, the man who shot this awesome video, yes, that is a killer shark bearing down on the camera guy. >> brian: a whale. >> steve: whale. sharkish. showing up where we least expect it
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and taking inspiration from our wildest dreams. because bold doesn't see the world in fixtures and faucets, it re-imagines. coloring our lives in ways only bold can do. it's no wonder the world can't wait to see what bold does next.
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>> steve: fox news alert. >> brian: tim tebow is gone. yep. fox news learned that he is gone from the jets. they have just confirmed they're releasing the back up quarterback. he was traded to new york last offseason when peyton manning went to the denver broncos. he spent more time on the side line than on the field. this has not worked out. he played just over 70 snaps last season. when they had a chance to put him in, they did not. the jets recently drafted west virginia quarterback gino, leading tom so believe mark sanchez will be released after
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june 1. tebow hurt by his stay in new york. because when he had a chance to play, they didn't. made everybody say to themselves, if he can't play on the jets, who are one of the worst teams in the league, who have one of the worst starting quarterbacks in the league, he certainly can't play for us. now they get new management over in jacksonville where he started college and the new management said, we don't even want him, even though he packed the place and they're in need of fans. my question is, who will take him? i think he goes to where warren moon, doug flutie, goes up to canada, has fun, shows what he can do, gets some snaps and reestablishes himself in the nfl. it's been done before. one of the great guys in sports. >> gretchen: he is one of the great guys and you have to wonder whether or not his play time had anything to do with not just his football ability. you got to wonder if they were not playing him for other reasons and so that may be a reason why somebody might pick him up. this is a guy who is so controversial in football, yet he still sells more jerseys and you know who he is. >> brian: what do you mean?
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>> gretchen: because he's controversial. he's controversial about all his stance on religion. >> brian: no. they would have put him in. basically he would have been so popular, the fear was he would come in, late in the game, the jets would win like he did with the broncos and there will be so much pressure to start him the next game. i don't think the fact he was a christian would keep him from playing football. why would the jets go get him? >> gretchen: it's been the whole debate about him, more so than his ability to play football. let's do some other headlines. remember this interview on "60 minutes"? lawmakers like nancy pelosi and others accused of making money from insider trading. >> do you think it's all right for a speaker to accept a very preferential, favorable stock deal and if you participated in the ipo and at the time you were speaker of the house? you don't think it was a conflict of interest or had the appearance? >> no. >> gretchen: congress quietly gutted part of the stock act, which was meant to stop insider trading. the act required members of congress, other federal
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employees as well making $119,000 a year to disclose their financial dealings on-line. congress and the president thought that could compromise national security so there is no law now. >> steve: lawmakers spent half a billion dollars on tanks, the army doesn't need them. the lawmakers devoted the taxpayer money for the last two years on improving the abrams tank. but general ray odierno, chief of staff for the army, said if he had a choice, he'd use the money in a different way. why is the money still flowing toward the tank? politics. keeping the production line rolling, protects business in congressional districts where the tank suppliers are located. always comes back to the money. >> brian: small town trying to solve this mystery. how did this truck wind up in this tree ten feet off the ground? it happened in oregon. firefighters using thermal imaging to scan the truck to see if anyone was inside. it was empty.
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the driver did eventually return. cops are talking to her. we're waiting for her explanation. can she actually pick autopsy truck and throw it in the tree. that will be my question. >> gretchen: time for shot of the morning. as if that wasn't also a shot of the morning. a whale of an encounter for a couple vacationing in mexico. >> oh, my god! >> you got to be kidding me! >> steve: that's one of 20 killer whales chasing the boat. rich howard, who is celebrating his 20th wedding anniversary when this video was taken, joins us on the phone. good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you guys? >> steve: oh, man. look at this. this happened back in july of 2011. it's just now going viral. you're on a mexican vacation. you just bought a new video camera to start a business. you're on a scuba dive. the dive master says, hey, everybody. what did he tell you? >> basically just gave us the sign that the tie was over. it was time to go up. we had been playing with four or five sea lions filming them. got back on the boat and the
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boat started heading out to open sea and we came across a pod of 20 killer whales. my wife was actually the one taking the video. i was taking still shots. it was absolutely incredible. >> brian: were you scared? >> oh, no, not at all. we were just absolutely thrilled. you can hear her screaming in the background how excited she was. you never get to see anything like this. >> brian: but it's called a killer whale. >> it is absolutely called a killer whale. it's called an orca. but they were having so much fun. >> steve: rich, the killer whale was bigger than your boat! this is one of those times where you should be terrified! >> he was a lot bigger than the boat. they kept asking us if we wanted to get in the water and i was seriously contemplating it. >> gretchen: come on, rich. it was more than just a he. there were 20 of them. >> actually there was one little boy on another boat who trial did get in the water. >> gretchen: what? >> and the whales just swam underneath him. they didn't bother him at all. we found out later why he was
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allowed to get in the water. >> gretchen: why? >> 'cause mom wasn't on the boat. only dad was on the boat. >> gretchen: that's not a testament. >> steve: oh, brother. >> they were just phenomenal and they stayed with us for about 45 minutes to an hour. they would swim with us for three to four minutes. when they were done, they would kind of peel off and go back to the pod. then when we accelerated, three or four more different ones would come and play. if you look at the dorsal fin, you'll see a lot of the times it's different whales coming and joining us. they were having a blast and so were we. >> brian: hopefully you're making some money off this video. >> it is amazing. you can see it on youtube or we were staying at the costa baha resort. >> brian: we know you'll stay there again now. >> absolutely. it was phenomenal. >> steve: rich, thank you very much for not becoming an appetizer out there on your honeymoon. >> it was phenomenal.
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thanks for showing the video. >> gretchen: thanks. >> steve: meanwhile, extreme weather swamping the city of houston this weekend. >> got to be like three feet of water in this parking lot! >> steve: yeah. great. check out the flash floods. and all that white stuff you see down at the bottom, that is hail, the size of golf balls. leaves big dents in cars. heavy rain left many drivers stranded in one, two, three, even four feet of water in some spots. a different kind of flooding in north dakota. melting snow is forcing the red river to rise. it is expected to crest this week. maria molina joins us with the very latest. if the temperatures in the dakotas are in the 70s, the snow is going to go downstream. >> yeah, that's right. that's exactly what the concern is across that part of the country, across parts of the upper midwest, north dakota. it's been very cold the last couple of weeks. we've had a number of storm systems roll through and producing some snow in those areas so the snow pack has been
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kept in place until very late in this month. now we're seeing it melting rapidly. temperatures into the 60s and 70s. widespread in that area. over the weekend. we're expecting more of that today. that's what permit prompted these flood warnings and already started to produce some flooding in these areas. you can see the flood warnings in effect across minnesota, north dakota, more warmth expected today and tomorrow we're actually talking about areas of rainfall expected. the crest of the river is expected to be reached as we head into wednesday afternoon at about 37 feet. not good news, very close to record stage. if we do reach 37 feet, you're talking top seven worse or highest river crest in that area. something to keep a close watch on of the flood ago big concern in the city of fargo and surrounding areas along the red river. back inside. steve, gretchen and brian. by the way, it's raining out here. you need your umbrella. >> steve: come on in, 'cause you don't have one. >> gretchen: coming up, actor and member of the pc police?
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well, there is one actor right there. you know him. robert davy. here to explain why political correctness is ruining america. >> steve: anna kooiman on a special and sweet assignment in nashville, but can she keep up with the chocolate factory? stick around 14 clubs. that's what they tell us a legal golf bag can hold. and while that leaves a lite room for balls and tees, it doesn't leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick uthe right one and drive it right down the middle of pure michigan. your trip begins at
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>> gretchen: welcome back. with memorable roles, robert davi is one of hollywood's most recognizable faces and he isn't afraid to speak his own mind, particularly about how political correctness he believes, is affecting america. the actor joins us today. good morning. >> good morning. >> gretchen: what did you tweet? >> i tweeted something that was right after the interrogation stopped in boston. the interrogation stopped in boston. and i started to think about when i was a kid growing up, how political correctness -- >> steve: there wasn't any. >> there wasn't any. >> steve: no filter. >> the rat pack, those guys could make fun of each other, the racial slurs, everybody else. everybody laughed. they had a good time doing it. and now adays, i pleaded that political correctsness is a lose lose situation. >> brian: you think it's hurting freedom of speech. >> it's hurting our freedom of
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ideas. once you start controlling the society and you have to watch, i'm even aware of it. i have to watch what i say because i'm in hollywood and if i say the wrong thing, i'll be ostracized and i won't work you and won't do this. they made us continually do this. bring this down into -- look, even this tiger baby thing i saw this morning. look, my parents wanted me to excel. there is nothing wrong with that. there is nothing wrong with making you be the best you can. >> gretchen: even that amazing how that's become a negative? >> we have this overall collapse of our ability to have our own freedom of speech and expression. >> steve: you miss the old days when there wasn't the pc that there is today? >> no. well, look, there is some sensitive things in terms of the bullying aspect. i understand that having five kids and having to worry about the bullying's pentecost about certain buzz words that kids might be affected by. what's imperative in our society and we have to fight against it, what happened in russia in 1914. they were on the verge of the
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biggest economic verge under the stars. communism came, controlled the speech, controlled the society, and they collapsed economically and you had for years until now they have a whole different economic boom. >> brian: you remember "all in the family" was a hit show. >> amos and andy. you were able to have fun with each other and now all of a sudden it's political contradictness, even -- correctness, even with the feminist movement, the buzz words. they boxed us into a corner where there is an antagonism. >> brian: like if we see what steve calls a hot tamale. we can't say there is a sweet broad. >> steve: i'm talking about a tamale. >> look at the president, fox news was kind of like, you kind of defended him on the attorney general, when he said she was a hot attorney general. >> brian: yeah, the california. >> come on of the we can't say gretch sun a pretty woman that has nice legs? >> bri you! >> gretchen: thank you. >> brian: i am offended.
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>> i mean, but continually has its defense. political correctness -- i never got offended if someone thought i was part of the mafia. oh, you'rity nationallian. >> steve: you got a new movie out called "the iceman." here he is in action. >> i just want to go home. i just want my money. >> you've been (bleep). now you want your money. >> no. not that roy knows i hired you, you get nothing. give me the money, leo. >> gretchen: we'd love to hear what you said. [ laughter ] >> political correctness is killing that clip! >> i can understand dropping the bomb there. but this is a great film. aerial ran is a new director. great cast. michael shannon.
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the true story. you got dane a head of the club scene in new york that's in it. ly leo at -- ray liotta, winona ryder. >> steve: did you steal the hat from the movie? >> no, no. >> steve: it looks like it. >> no, that's different hat. no. it opens may 3. >> steve: it does. always a pleasure. >> gretchen: great to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: what discount will we get on the movie if we mention your name? >> you want tickets? you got it. >> brian: see, you're being politically correct. >> come to the premiere tonight. if you want to come, you're in. >> steve: it's date. >> gretchen: brian is always looking for a party to go to. >> there is a great after party. >> steve: we'll be there. >> gretchen: coming up, before we go today, who can forget this scene from "i love lucy"? we're about to put anna kooiman
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to the test. >> steve: i hope she's got the hat. let's check in with bill hemmer for a preview of what starts in ten minutes. >> i will see you at the soho house. we can all car ride together. more furloughs or more last minute dc deals? stuart varney is on that today. if syria crosses your sustained red line what, does the u.s. do about it now? k.t. mcfarland on that. what did we learn after 9-11? many learn -- martha and i will see you at the top of the hour. ten minutes away look what mommy is having.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪ the rich, luscious taste of fresh milk and real cream... now kicked up with zesty california jalapenos. [ crunch ] new spicy jalapeno. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard.
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>> gretchen: 53 minutes after the top of the hour. quick headlines. from "fox & friends" to the white house. president obama will nominate
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democratic charlotte mayor anthony fox as his new transportation secretary. if confirmed, fox would replace ray lahood. and michael jordan taking another shot at love. after five years of dating, he got married in florida. more than 2,000 people attended the reception inside this massive 40,000 square foot tent. it's bigger than his own personal residence. >> steve: he's got a big house. meanwhile, made in america, remember this classic clip from "i love lucy"? >> so this is easier. >> yeah, we can handle this okay. [ laughter ] >> steve: sure. easy in the beginning. but then after a while, can anna kooiman do better? she's live at the goo goo cluster factory in nashville, ten. hey, anna. >> hey there. if you are a southerner, you know what these gooey, gooey,
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marshmallow, caramely, so good, right? made in america. 5 million of these made in nashville, tennessee, in the volunteer state. joined by lance payne, good morning. this is the executive vice president. what we're doing here is we're picking out all the bad ones, right? so this one, they would have been good, but i kind of ruined it. how many employees do you have? >> over 700 employees here. >> 5 million of these made. how much of a -- when you get into the airport, you see the big billboard. it seems like every holiday party, these things are going. >> this is the original southern confection and especially for nashville where we made the candy for 101 years now. >> you had to rebrand yourself a bit over the last decade or so. >> yeah. we had to find a place that made us fit in the pantheon of the candy bar industry. >> you want to make sure that
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you are keeping dollars local here in america. how are you doing that and not exporting any of the work? >> we source around the world, but bring the candy factory into this country because it behooves the industry to have it done mirror at home. >> what's in it? marshmallow, nugget, milk chocolate. >> i heard something from the plant director they're going to be -- >> oh, no! >> they're speeding up production on you. you got to get the lids on these. >> here you go. put one in there. >> gretchen, brian and steve, i'll bring some of these back to fox for you. >> steve: thank you. >> brian: that was cool. >> steve: those things are delicious. >> brian: three minutes away. we'll be back ♪ i've got the power people lose 5x more weight
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>> brian: tomorrow gabby douglas, as well as phil sims. he'll talk about tim tebow and his son with the jets. >> gretchen: have a fantastic day. log on for the after the show show. >> brian: robert davi takes my place. bill: all right. on a monday morning, fox news alert everybody. did the boston bombing suspects have help? that is critical question now. the head of the house homeland security committee says the brothers were trained. the question is by whom? good morning, everybody. i hope you had a terrific weaken as we start another week. i'm bill hemmer live in "america's newsroom." good morning. martha: hello, everybody, i'm martha maccallum. the fbi is expanding their investigation and now looking overseas. congressman mike mccaul says the bombs used in the attack were too sophisticated in his opinion to be made with no help. >> fact that a pressure cooker is signature device, goes back to pakistan, afghanistan, leads me to believe the way they


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